Welcome to Agrisea Business Services
Top of Page Rotating Ad Banner
Unlike other sites who charge per click, our Top of Page ad has a single price per thirty days. An ad will randomly appear each time an agrisea web page is loaded and while that page is displayed, the ads cycle every minute. The graphic may link to whatever content you provide, be it an email address, a page you have on a social media site, a regular web site (we do not accept ads that link to adult or x-rated content) or no online presence.

The ad size, in pixels, is 520 wide by 100 high.

What makes our ad service different is that your online presence hosts the actual ad, which means you may change it at any time! While the link-to location is fixed, if you use a landing page that includes "meta redirect" html code, you can then point your ad to your own content.

1 Ad = 30 days = $50.00
Submit a Ticket if interested.
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Agrisea Technologies @ Square

Ken Hunt, AMSOIL Idependent Dealer

Last updated: April 11, 2024     Agrisea web site v.XXIV     Have a Question? Submit a Ticket